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Why do we have to handle the roster carefully?

Equal society is fantasy, and few would want it.....

Information about individuals seems to have to be protected.


Personal information takes various forms.

Isn’t the form of information that should not be disclosed a personal list?

Simply put, it’s a list.

Why do we have to handle the roster carefully?

It may be because there is a hierarchy according to the description order as long as it is in the form of a list.

I don’t think there is a problem with the order of letters, but for example, lists arranged in order of ability should never be published.

We are equal in the horizontal direction, so they must not be sorted in the vertical direction. There are people who think that.

But we will never be allowed to be equal.

In a society in which sound and fair competition is assured, we must admit high and low disparities.

Equal society is fantasy, and few would want it.

Therefore, I think that denial of listing personal information may lead to denial of competition.

In the first place, vague concepts do not respect each one of us.

In order for us to be respected as individuals, we still have to be identified as individuals.

However, I don’t want to know what the list we are listing is for.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
