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That morning I saw a strange sight

Now, needless to say, the park is a space that should be shared publicly.....

That morning I saw a strange sight.


When I was walking around my neighborhood in the morning like a normal holiday, there were a lot of people in the vacant lot.

When I approached, the people gathered were dressed up, even though it was a holiday morning.

It was a vacant lot in a residential area, right?

Something has begun. A middle-aged man in a suit grabbed a microphone and started speaking.

According to what I heard somehow, it seems to be an unveiling ceremony in which the vacant lot became a park.

Although it was a vacant lot, it was constructed as a park by engaging with the local council to promote the healthy development of children in the town.

It was this me who played a central role in the local councils! I am!

The man carefully emphasized that part.

He seems to be a member of the local assembly. I don’t know his name or face.

Applause and cheering aroused from an audience of about 10 people.

Eventually the ceremony was over, the adults left somewhere and only the children remained.

Even though it’s called a park, it’s a park with only one playground equipment installed in an open space that is about the size of a house.

Even so, this is a space where children can play proudly.

Let’s assume that the local councilor has achieved some results.

Now, needless to say, the park is a space that should be shared publicly.

However, there are also detailed rules like those on public roads.

At least no one should live there, nor is it allowed to dump trash.

Sports using balls are also prohibited.

Recently, even in parks, people may be restricted from contacting or approaching each other.

There are many rules even in the park, and it seems that children must play under the regulations.

Oops, let me tell you the last.

Adults should not use play equipment.

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” …
Woman abandons dog outside Vancouver park |

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
