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People chase paper exchange tickets, and sometimes they are chased

Avoid the heat, swim, play around with friends and bite hot dogs. It was delicious.....

The property of metal called copper is that it is relatively soft, has good electrical conductivity, and has warmth.

coins banknotes card payment
medium metal paper plastic
value low
cost cheaper

In addition, the rust on the copper surface is said to be toxic.

The most familiar copper products for us are copper coins.

Coins, including copper coins, are heavy and metal, but their exchange value is low.

Oh yeah, when I was a kid, the only contents of my wallet were coins.

For example, during summer vacation, when I went out to the swimming pool, I didn’t forget my wallet. Because I liked eating hot dogs by the pool.

Avoid the heat, swim, play around with friends and bite hot dogs. It was delicious.

After becoming an adult, it seems that the chances of using coins have decreased.

Should we be pleased that we have more opportunities to use banknotes than coins? Or is it something to mourn?

People chase paper exchange tickets, and sometimes they are chased. I learned that it was an adult life.

The exchange medium has changed from metal to paper and now it has changed to plastic.

In other words, the spread of card payment. Our “currency” has changed to plastic. Contrary to exchange value, the cost of manufacturing exchange media is getting cheaper.

Currency is evidence of exchange value, but credit cards do not appeal exchange value.

Of course, you can buy a hot dog by card payment.

If for some reason you can’t buy anything with your card, it’s a terrible joke.

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iFixit’s teardown for the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra could explain why your phone is running hot - The Verge… We are not sure why some phones have graphite thermal pads instead of copper, but it might be cause for concern. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
