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I can’t recommend sunny houses

That kind of risk is hidden.....

I can’t recommend sunny houses. Because such houses are extremely hot during the summer and are difficult to live in.


Houses with good views are also not recommended by me. Because such homes are exposed to cold winds during the winter.

For some reason, the largest number of leaflets posted on a house is a house advertisement. You can’t buy a house again and again, and even if you rent it, you can’t move to it repeatedly. Is it effective to distribute such leaflets?

If you look at the advertisement for the house, it’s sunny, with a great view, good traffic access, and cheap! it is written like this. But there is a lot of information not written there.

A residential area has been developed on the top of a small hill, and houses are lined up in a corner up the road that is lined with cherry blossom trees. Each site is large and yet not expensive. It is sunny and has a great view.

However, an acquaintance who got a job at a real estate company briefly said, “There is no use in that area. If an earthquake strikes, it will cause a landslide.”

That kind of risk is hidden.

Another acquaintance purchased a dwelling on a small mountainside. It is a place surrounded by nature and overlooking the sea. The price was enough to be purchased by an ordinary worker who plays table tennis while sweating during breaks.

But behind the mountain was a nuclear facility. If there is an accident and people in the area are forced to evacuate, they will be able to return home in 10,000 years.

So if you see an ad in a residential or residential area that says “it’s in the shade,” you might be more credible. Nevertheless, look carefully at the price and make a careful decision.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
