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The newspaper reported that the company went bankrupt

It was an illusion that something would change if someone changed jobs.....

Manufacturers make products and buyers buy them.


The job of the dealer, which is in the middle of the two, is correct when it is interpreted as selling the manufactured products.

If the dealer does not undertake the transaction, we will not be able to obtain various useful products. Of course, you can go directly to the manufacturer to buy it, but the manufacturer basically does not sell it directly.

Let the dealer do the trades that benefit both the manufacturer and the buyer.

Now, I’ve talked to a guy who works as a dealer for household sewing machines. Specifically, he worked at a sewing machine store. He’s a rather quiet man, and he didn’t make a sales talk like a machine gun with a broken trigger.

It seems that the dealer must have a solid personality. He sold well.

By the way, the only evaluation criteria for a dealer is to improve sales performance, and dealers contract with buyers to deliver products and collect payment. Repeat it.

Therefore, the staff with good sales results in higher salaries, but the salaries of those who cannot improve their performance do not increase. It is the dealer’s mission to repeatedly sell the target number.

One day. When he comes back to the store, the atmosphere in the workplace is strange. His colleague whispered.

Hey, bankruptcy.

The newspaper reported that the sewing company went bankrupt. Until the day of bankruptcy, employees weren’t informed of the crisis.

Quite suddenly his employer went bankrupt and he was fired and changed jobs. His new job was in logistics.

But the new job was to repeat the same, as well. It was an illusion that something would change if someone changed jobs. If you don’t like repeating the same thing, you just have to stop working.

In the first place, few households buy household sewing machines. He didn’t realize that for a few years.

‘Road to recovery’: Dealers say car sales brisk across Pittsburgh region |… “Since we’ve come back, business has been very brisk,” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
