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Isn’t it because there are other groups of people?

You must not illusion that the group you belong to is a universal group.....

Many people try to respect individuality.

other groups
problem solving
right decision

It is said that the potential of each person must not be denied.

Sure, people can do nothing by themselves, but by gathering the potential of many, a better solution may be found.

So problem solving should be done in groups. At that time, it is important to listen to any opinions.

A compromise that adjusts many opinions will satisfy many.

By doing so, the group will have a unified direction and will act in unity.

Members of the group must believe that the right decision was made.

But why do groups often fail?

Isn’t it because there are other groups of people?

You belong to some group, but that group is not the only part of the world.

There are countless groups in the world, each with different characteristics.

The trouble is that people’s viewpoints are so narrow that only the group to which they belong looks large.

If a decision you believe to be right is about to be overturned, you will illusion it is the world’s biggest event.

Let’s take a step back and think. Just as each person has its own characteristics, each group also has its own characteristics.

You must not illusion that the group you belong to is a universal group.

But I don’t think it’s easy.

Because too large and traditional groups are like the environment.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
