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A valid compromise and is relatively likely to come true

Impressing and spending on future plans is a misunderstanding peculiar to general consumers.....

If you haven’t seen a movie featuring astronauts and cowboys, the toys that model them are just strange objects.


The same goes for ghosts of sponges. If you don’t know the original anime, they’re just meaningless toys.

It seems that cheap toys are not manufactured in East Asia these days. The main production areas of toys are shifting to South Asia.

By the way, two little girls stood in a toy department.

The older girl seemed to be eager to stare at the toys and prioritize them in case they begged their parents.

A younger girl whispered calmly next to her sister.

Hey, sister. I’ll ask my mom to buy only one of them. And let’s play while taking turns with us.

The point to note in this proposal is that instead of asking parents for one per person, that is, a total of two, half of them are required. This is a valid compromise and is relatively likely to come true.

Next, the point that clarifies the usage plan after obtaining it. It shows a humanely attractive roadmap of sharing a toy with two sisters.

Parents who hear this realistic proposal will buy one toy, sympathizing with the economics of buying only one and the humanitarian nature of sisters working together.

However, parents of the world should think calmly here.

Impressing and spending on future plans is a misunderstanding peculiar to general consumers.

It was such a story about toys.

Final weekend for Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection; Collection sites here | WLOS
Final weekend for Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection; Collection sites here | WLOS… Volunteers say the simple gift can make a big difference, especially this year. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
