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No such thing is sold anywhere

I wish the pizza shop there was crazy about making pizza.....

Now, let’s say you open a pizzeria.


You rented a store facing the street, equipped with the latest equipment, prepared various ingredients, and made a nice-looking menu book.

Yes, you also hired a good pizza maker.

Opening day! welcome!

But I don’t think any customers will come.


By the way, I have never run a pizza shop, and I don’t particularly like any pizza shop.

But I would like to tell you somehow,

Even if you have the best pizzeria in place, you may not be prepared for the most important things.

That is the feeling, “I want to eat delicious pizza right now!”

Without such a strong desire of our customers, even a perfectly designed pizzeria would not thrive.

In other words, if you want a pizza shop to be successful, the designed mechanism must have a motivational mechanism.

It’s a device that moves customers’ hearts. It’s a promotion.

A gimmick? Where can I buy it?

No such thing is sold anywhere. Because it’s something you’re convinced of through the experience.

Conversely, even a poorly organized pizza shop will have a chance to thrive.

I wish the pizza shop there was crazy about making pizza.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
