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No one can prove that something is missing

However, nowadays, many texts will always be digitized at least once.....

Even if you don’t have the characteristic of being good at something, if you talk about every project, the impression is that such a person seems to be busy working.

No one can prove
not be there
find something

Of course, whether or not such a person is recognized as a workforce is a completely different matter.

Anyway, such a person is involved in something all day long. Still, when chatting, it’s really silly.

The man’s father was said to have worked at a publishing company to proofread the manuscript.

The wise saying from the father to his son is as follows.

No one can prove that something is missing

I don’t think this lesson will help anything right away. This will not immediately enrich your life.

However, it is only recently that the content of this lesson has seemed a bit meaningful.

In other words, if you find something, you can prove it.

When applied to proofreading work, detecting typographical errors and omissions can prove that they were there.

However, if you check the manuscript and find no mistakes there, how do you prove that the manuscript is correct?

On the contrary, it takes a lot of courage to look at something detected and suspect that it may not be there.

However, nowadays, many texts will always be digitized at least once.

For digitized data, the fact that it’s there seems to have a different meaning than before.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
