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Last month’s fee has not been paid

I received a notice of that meaning.....

Last month’s fee has not been paid, so please pay this month together with last month’s fee

Last month
not been paid
this month

I received a notice of that meaning.

Haven’t my phone bills for last month been paid yet? I untied a bunch of receipts and looked for something to prove last month’s payment.

can not find.

Didn’t I pay the phone bill for last month?

I don’t seem to pay. It was easy to admit it.

The inside of the mailbox was like a waste paper box, so it was only recently that I pulled out the contents with all my might.

Most of them were leaflets unrelated to me, so I threw them away, but it seems that the bill for last month was included in it.

In general, notifications are not very kind and polite.

Documents are sent unilaterally, and if no postal accident is confirmed, the contents of the document will be treated as notified.

It is the recipient’s responsibility to act as a betrayal after being notified of the content.

It’s just a piece of paper. Is the inside of your mailbox clean?

How to View Notification Center on iPhone and iPad
How to View Notification Center on iPhone and iPad… On iPhone and iPad, Notification Center is a centralized interface for reviewing notifications on your device that have been received from apps or the operating system itself. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
