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Don’t start a session right away just because they get together

One rainy night, when the members gathered, a wet umbrella was leaning against the wall inside the warehouse.....

Bands don’t start a session right away just because they get together.

a group
I don not know
I don not know

Originally, it was a group of close friends who only had musical instruments, so when they got together, chatting started.

After getting excited about a silly topic for about an hour, oh yeah, let’s practice.

Then, the performance starts so that you can hear the sound from here and there, but the song is often interrupted because there is always someone who does not remember all the music.

Then, before I knew it, the chat resumed, and after about an hour, someone suggested that we all go somewhere, and the band moved with their instruments.

One day, one member left the guitar in the practice area and headed to another place.

The band’s practice place was a small warehouse.

There were no private houses around the old warehouse made of thick concrete, and at night the area was really lonely, making it a perfect place to practice the band.

One day, when the members gathered there as usual, I couldn’t find the guitar that was supposed to be there.

No matter who I asked, they answered that they didn’t know or didn’t understand.


There was only one key to the warehouse, and one of the members was supposed to have it.

If the guitar was stolen, who stole it?

Only the members can get the key to the warehouse, and only the members know that one guitar was placed there.

It was an unpleasant time, but the band was actually a combination of two bands.

So we didn’t know much about the personalities of the members of the band we were merging with.

If you doubt, the unfamiliar member of the merger is suspicious.

In that sense, including the victims, who were all suspects.

Well, besides this guitar theft case, I remember something strange happened in the warehouse.

One rainy night, when the members gathered, a wet umbrella was leaning against the wall inside the warehouse.

Whose umbrella is this?

Again, everyone said the same thing. I don’t know, I don’t know.

Watertown police looking to identify man in connection with retail theft complaints
Watertown police looking to identify man in connection with retail theft complaints… Officials provided photos of the man and his car Wednesday. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
