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May break if the wind is too strong

A panel about the size of a typical residential door is installed facing the sun, and a cord extending from it is connected to the rechargeable battery.....

Surprisingly, land where strong winds blow throughout the year due to the influence of mountains and coasts is suitable for the construction of airfields.

direct current
electrical appliances

As long as the aircraft uses the force of the wind to fly, strong winds work as an advantageous condition during takeoff and landing.

The shorter the runway, the lower the fuel cost.

As an aside, such land is not suitable for agriculture and can be bought at a relatively low price.

Now, wind power is also used for power generation. It’s a wind power generation system that you know.

This power generation system seems to have good power generation efficiency, and in addition, it does not emit carbon dioxide.

However, it seems that the windmill may break if the wind is too strong.

Along with wind power, sunlight must be mentioned as an alternative energy that is environmentally friendly.

This is also applied to power generation in the form of solar power generation. It seems that electricity is needed after all.

Unlike wind turbines, solar panels have no moving parts, so they are easy to miniaturize.

You see, both the calculator and the wristwatch have solar panels.

By the way, it seems that people will get to know various information when they retire, and an elderly man in the neighborhood installed a solar panel in his home.

A panel about the size of a typical residential door is installed facing the sun, and a cord extending from it is connected to the rechargeable battery.

The rechargeable battery is further connected to a rectifier and converted into a direct current that can be used in electrical appliances.

The current seems to be usable for overnight lighting, which means the system is an emergency power source.

When comparing that large rechargeable battery and solar panel to the dry batteries that are usually sold, I wondered which was more efficient in terms of size and cost.

Such nature-friendly alternative energies do not consume fossil fuels, but appear to consume mineral resources.

Like fossil fuels, mineral resources are also finite and their mining will also be very costly.

With that in mind, it must be said that the kindness of environmentally friendly alternative energy is extremely limited.

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Labor Department lists mica mined in Madagascar in report on child labor… The move follows a 2019 NBC News investigation that revealed children as young as 4 were working in underground pits to mine mica in Madagascar. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
