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How has the style of owning something changed?

This level of information has already been shared.....

"The upper management of the company says that this information should never be spoken, but in fact, the work record of all employees is stored in a database. This is a trade secret. 10% of the employees Will be fired soon. "


The hall leader of a small hotel

is a very cool guy. He is well dressed, agile and trusted by hotel employees.
He is married to a former employee woman and has two children. The employees of this hotel have a hard time getting married, so he can be a role model in a way.
Newly assigned employees receive his training first. Young women trained by him always fall in love with him. However, the women are disappointed when they are informed that the hall leader is married to her beautiful wife.
Some even suspect he was already a hall leader when he was born. So much, his life seems to be fulfilling.

What are the benefits of sharing something?

It seems that private property has not been restricted these days, but is beginning to be reviewed.
What I want to say is that there is a strong tendency for various tools and things to be shared these days.
For example, homes, bicycles, cars, clothes, baseball bats, information, secrets, etc. are no longer personal property.
The reason why something is shared will be, first of all, the cost reduction.
Unlike private ownership or monopoly, sharing eliminates purchase and storage costs.
In the first place, even if something is privately owned by someone, no one uses it 24 hours a day. Most of the day, privately owned items sleep unused.
Isn’t it okay for someone else to use it during this dormancy period? From here, a way to share something is born.

“That guy is really stupid. He speaks everything he knows, so don’t tell him your worries, because the consultation will be shared by all the employees here within 12 hours.”
I haven’t heard this statement directly, but by observing the employees closely, I can somehow understand why the hall leader was transferred to this workplace.
Indeed, he told the employee directly that he was secretly inspecting the behavior of an employee. That’s incredible!
He doesn’t seem to be well aware of the word confidentiality.
Hall leaders will be transferred to another branch within a year at the latest. This level of information has already been shared.

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SharePlay powers new ways to stay connected and share experiences in FaceTime - Apple… SharePlay makes it possible for iPhone, iPad, and Mac1 users to share experiences with friends and family while on a FaceTime call. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
