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What is the most effective way to focus on something?

“I remember one more thing. That order was rejected because you missed the deadline.” ....

“Oh! I just saw your face and remembered that. Forget what I told you the other day because the order was canceled.”


Why isn’t verbal communication thorough?

I’m not blaming her, but all the information is like air. I want her to know that it doesn’t stay in the same place forever.
I wasn’t prepared for anything anyway, so it was fortunate for me that the story was cancelled. Of course, I wouldn’t say that.
What she said is surprising and disappointing to me. I made such a look.
In any case, I welcome the disappearance of one of the things I have to do.

Things have an end

and sometimes it is artificially set.
If there is a deadline for completing something, we will have to focus on something.
Now the question is how to concentrate.
For example, don’t think about anything else for a while. Alternatively, remove unnecessary things from the desk. Alternatively, turn off the mobile phone. Alternatively, lock the door of the room.
But how many people have been able to focus on something by performing the above techniques?
I think the most effective way to focus on something is external pressure.
In short, various external reminders, not our internal attitudes or beliefs, are the best conditions for us to develop our concentration.

Well, I know the deadline is approaching, but I don’t feel like starting anything.
I’m not impatient because the external pressure of less time left provides something good.
Rather, it can be more important than meeting deadlines. It’s about perfecting and delivering something good. Isn’t it?
I don’t know what I was looking like, but she says again:
“I remember one more thing. That order was rejected because you missed the deadline.”

Thank you, Laura. Welcome everyone to Team’s third quarter 2021 earnings conference call. …
Team Inc (TISI) Q3 2021 Earnings Call Transcript | The Motley Fool

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
