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How to identify a person’s intelligence?

Reality is never wise, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s selfish.....

“I think if that happens, well, well, I’ll arrive at exactly 19:00.”

give up

Intelligent people

have a short time to think. I’m convinced that the one woman I know is also one of them.
One day, a client gave me the time to meet: Don’t come until 19:00. In addition, I may not be there after 19:00
The two nasty conditions seem to be unrelated to each other, but I must meet the two unrelated conditions.
And I wanted to teach her two conditions and know how she would judge.
Clever she thinks theoretically, she said that exactly 19:00 is the time to visit the client.

Why are we worried?

We choose something when we do something.
Find a few options, choose the one that seems best for you, and execute it. You cannot choose more than one option. Because you have only one body.
But not all things are theoretically constructed. It often happens that two or more options contradict each other or exclude each other.
At that time, we will be confused. But I would like to point out that there is a path out of that.
Stop looking for the best option and prioritize the ones that contain what’s important at the moment.
In short, you should give up meeting the demands of all options.

Her desk is always tidy. In a good way, her head is empty, preparing for the unexpected.
After all, I met my client before 19:00. I disobeyed her wise counsel.
Because, the time to meet the client is basically 19:00. The two conditions stated by the client are nothing more than a relatively small request.
In particular, I decided that I should arrive by 19:00 because I may not be able to meet the client after 19:00.
Reality is never wise, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s selfish.

Apple Self Service Repair will enable customers to fix some of their own devices : NPR
Apple Self Service Repair will enable customers to fix some of their own devices : NPR… “Creating greater access to Apple genuine parts gives our customers even more choice if a repair is needed,” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
