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What interferes with communication?

Her face is also full of unreasonable beliefs.....

“No! You’re wearing a pink T-shirt inside your shirt. No! No! No pink!”


The moment a young woman sees me

she violently advises me. Maybe she’s just staring at my throat.
The gap at the collar of my shirt is only 1 cm. She can’t stand seeing the pink cloth through the gap.
She sticks to such small things. I wonder if she is normal. Rather, I even think that the aesthetics of every woman may be related to this issue.
I undress in the next room and push my favorite pink T-shirt into the bottom of the bag.

What’s the problem with unreasonable coercion?

We all communicate by using words. But we know that often doesn’t work.
For example, if aesthetics or delusions or dogma or common sense or conventions stand in front of us, we must give up rational explanations or theoretical justifications.
Of course, it is possible to derive some reason or background from an unreasonable event. However, since such work is targeted at the research activities of experts, there is no time to wait for their confusing conclusions.
If an unreasonable event is harmless to us, we can leave it alone. But if such a thing is used as a reason for something, the problem is serious.
Because, for example, if force works for no reason, we cannot at least immediately resist theoretically.

“It’s okay to wear a jacket on a cold day, but wear a white shirt underneath the jacket, even if no one can see the white shirt.”
Hey, are you going to say weird things too? It’s really silly to specify the color of the clothes that no one can see.
And why should it be white?
Of course, it can be fully predicted that the collar of the jacket will be disturbed by some posture and the inside of the jacket will be visible from the outside.
But in that case, why should only white be visible?
Her face is also full of unreasonable beliefs.

8 White Sneakers to Snag at Amazon/s Cyber Monday Sale | Well+Good
8 White Sneakers to Snag at Amazon/s Cyber Monday Sale | Well+Good… To help, we’ve scoured the internet …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
