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Be proportional to the number of failures

2023-03-31 15:22:08

I had only seen the young man who lived in that room once.


He wore black-rimmed glasses and walked with his head down.
When I gave him a simple greeting, he returned the greeting to me, so he didn’t seem to be an extremely bigoted man.
Rumor has it that his father was the director of a local hospital.
I don’t know why he left his birthplace and moved to this city. And I didn’t even know what he was doing for a living until the end.
Occasionally, in the middle of the night, I could hear someone sobbing. I don’t know why he is sobbing.
But I think this kind of thing is common. Whatever the reason, the reason why he decided to live alone must have been no small thing.
Eventually he disappeared. Whether or not he returned to his birthplace is still unknown.

Is the probability of success proportional to the number of failures?
The expression ``the probability of success is proportional to the number of failures’’ is sometimes used to mean that the more failures you have before succeeding, the higher the probability of success. It is thought that this expression expresses that a lot of efforts and trials are necessary in order to succeed, and that failures may occur repeatedly in the process.
However, the number of failures is not necessarily proportional to the probability of success. In order to succeed, it is necessary not only to simply repeat failures, but also to learn from each failure and improve. In other words, if you can learn from your mistakes, you can avoid repeating the same mistakes and it can be a shortcut to success. In addition, failure is not the only factor in the process leading to success, and success factors and luck may also play an important role. It is possible.
