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Shape social positions

2023-03-19 16:12:09

A young man had often come to hangouts, but had never had a long conversation with him.


He studied hard during his school days and got excellent grades. Then he entered a slightly famous university in his hometown, submitted his thesis, and graduated.
Surprisingly, he got a job locally. He got a job as a librarian at the local library.
I don’t know if he was happy with the job. My thought is that being a librarian is a boring job.
Of course, it would be wrong for me to criticize his choice of profession.
However, I don’t understand why a man who studied economics and wrote his graduation thesis had to choose a job at a library.

Is social status absolute or relative?
Social standing is relative. Social positions are shaped by social context and culture, temporal factors, geographical factors, personal values, and interactions among diverse social groups. Therefore, social positions can differ between different societies and cultures. In addition, even within the same society, people may differ according to their background, status, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. In other words, it can be said that the social position is relative rather than absolute.
