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Guarantee that the problem will be resolved

2023-03-24 17:20:16

Today was the second time I met that one middle-aged man.


When I first conversed with the middle-aged man, he looked very grumpy. I intended to speak politely, but I was a little worried that I might have made the man feel bad about something I didn’t notice.
But he may have looked like that. I thought that by his sullen face and his unwillingness to correct himself, he gave the impression that he was sullen.
I met the man again today. He still had a grumpy look on his face. I’m sure I didn’t offend him. But that may have made him grumpy.

Does eliminating the cause of the problem solve the problem?
Eliminating the cause of the problem does not necessarily guarantee that the problem will be resolved. In order to solve the problem, we need to pinpoint the cause and implement the appropriate solution.
Eliminating the cause of the problem can alleviate the symptoms that are part of the problem, but it does not solve the problem completely. Even after eliminating the cause, the problem may not be resolved. For example, if a cause is identified but the solution is inadequate or the problem was caused by multiple factors, the problem may not be resolved.
Therefore, in order to solve the problem, it is important not only to pinpoint the cause, but also to implement the appropriate solution and correct the solution if necessary. Also, it is necessary to monitor the outcome of the problem to ensure that the solution is effective.
