How long do we have to wait at home?
Everything I didn’t need in the room was thrown away, and everything I could eat was eaten up.
Will I be the next to be thrown away? The time spent with the family has increased dramatically, but it turns out that the family is not a fun companion.
Following the media’s instructions, we were able to dispel loneliness by phone and telework, but it turned out that we couldn’t start anything without shaking hands with someone.
In addition, nothing can be completed remotely.
Do we, who are isolated, still live in a certain culture? Are we stray dogs wandering in the wilderness?
In any case, a question began to sneak into anxiety and irritation.
It’s a question of why the younger generation is silent.
Mind you? In this new type of pneumonia, all the actors who are performing on the stage are old.
Elderly people accuse us with a dark look, call attention, order, and smile and threaten us.
Don’t be foolish! But in reality, the elderly feel the same way. Where are the younger generation?
From ancient times, and until the end of the universe, the elderly expect the younger generation to always have new ideas.
Why do young people do nothing? Even if they show a counter-proposal and take very positive action, the old people will not stop it.
Review: ‘Promising Young Woman’ And ‘Pieces Of A Woman’ Examine Trauma, Revenge : NPR… Her days are uneventful by comparison. …
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you