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Of course, it was a product with the apple logo

The future may be more fun than the present! ....

This is an unfounded urban legend, but it is said that medical personnel have a slightly lower chance of having a boy.


More specifically, women who are partners of male health care workers are less likely to give birth to boys.

There are rumors of an eerie cause for this. If the X-rays used in medical equipment leak and the man is exposed to radiation, it will have a subtle effect on the reproductive function of the man.

The reason hospitals want to take X-ray pictures of patients is because it is lucrative, but for some reason the X-ray room is often located in a lonely place near the edge of the hospital facility.

Well, it doesn’t matter because they are irresponsible rumors, but medical care is a lucrative business as long as you take X-ray pictures and pay for the equipment purchase.

So, although it may be unscrupulous, the young man I know was the son of a doctor and had an entertaining personality.

He dropped out of school, worked part-time, and spent all his money on play.

However, thanks to such a free lifestyle, he was sensitive to trends in the world, so for the time being, he was a fun guy.

Was it around 2007? That guy bought the first model of a smartphone. Of course, it was a product with the apple logo.

He threw out a music player with thousands of songs, and he was enthusiastic about operating the touch screen on his smartphone.

Even on a dark moonlit night, he worked on his smartphone, and his white face in the dark was like a different person.

He may have felt the future with a communication terminal with a novel mechanism. The future may be more fun than the present!

After all, smartphones are now deeply ingrained in our lives as a tool of civilization. The judgment of the playboy who got the first model that many people avoided was correct.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
