According to the route guidance information from the terribly famous online map, the place I’m looking for is a 15-minute walk. However, the map service assumes that there are no traffic lights on the road, there is little traffic, and the user is a racewalker.
We know that the walking speed of the average person
is not as fast as the map teaches. Imagine that if you were shown to be a 15 minute walk, you would have to walk for about 25 minutes.
For the most part, no matter how precise the geographic information is, we always get lost. If anyone can walk through a town they visit for the first time without getting lost, they are incredibly talented.
Well, I’m careful about everything, and I’ve been thinking about how to bring the contents of the map. Should I print it out on paper? Should I take a picture of the display? Or should I start the navigation system and walk without any preparation?
Well, basically, I don’t think that such selection work is a big problem that makes me confused. However, you should still know the route before you walk in the town you visit for the first time. Otherwise, precious time will be wasted.
What are the indicators that roughly classify a person’s personality?
It seems that a person’s personality can be classified into two types. A delicate person and a strong person.
Delicacy and toughness are contradictory properties. Delicate people are vulnerable and lack toughness. A strong person, well, thinks and behaves roughly.
So it’s up to the team to identify the delicate and the tough people separately and place them properly. However, even if it is done in advance, it often fails.
What is the cause? Oh! That delicate person was actually an extremely strong person.
Or oh! That tough person is sick of trivial things!
Those who can enjoy this shocking miscalculation will be extremely strong.
Want to know why I’m heading to that place? There are stores that sell shoes cheaply on that street.
After all, I’m thinking of sketching a 25-minute journey on paper. Don’t you think it’s the most eco-friendly way?
I’m wondering if there are cool shoes in the store. do not know. I haven’t visited there yet.
Researchers trigger new exploit by renaming an iPhone and a Tesla - The Verge… In the demonstrations, researchers switched the device names to be a string of characters that would send servers to a testing URL, …
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you