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What are the first steps to take to avoid panic?

But all I could do was suppress the panic for just a few minutes.....

“We will distribute numbered tickets from now on! We will distribute numbered tickets from now on! We will distribute numbered tickets from now on!”


I didn’t know what to do

so I repeated the minimum required information three times in a loud voice. Because the normal conversation was not established.
None of us imagined that a lot of customers would gather on the first day of opening. Cooks are good at cooking, but not good at talking to strangers.
Moreover, dozens of guests gather at the entrance and are frustrated. If things got worse, they could turn into our enemies.
The first step to be taken to avoid such a panic is to inform customers with clear information. The information should be simple and unquestionable.
I cut the paper and made a lot of small pieces of paper, showing them clearly and I yelled. Not a scream, but a clearly audible voice.

What is a policy?

No policy is explained to serve as a code of conduct. A policy is like a blueprint and is different from the final finished product.
Specific measures are selected according to the abstract policy, and it is sufficient for us to take concrete measures quietly.
Even if any policy is explained, it is extremely rare for those who agree with it to cooperate.
Very generally, people want different things depending on their values ​​or interests. Certain measures will be taken to coordinate those challenges. And the policy that is hidden in the basis of such measures is located.

“Get the product out soon! We are waiting!”
I didn’t hear such a cry. Visitors wrote down a piece of paper with the product and quantity they wanted. I collected them.
I sorted the pieces of paper by product name, totaled the quantity, and told the cooks. The cooks cooked while glancing at a bunch of numbered tickets. But all I could do was suppress the panic for just a few minutes.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
