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Face-to-face meetings are not always necessary

Now face-to-face contact is severely restricted. The future society will be a connection society rather than a face-to-face society.....

It has generally been believed that face-to-face communication is good when people communicate. It means that we should talk while looking at the face of the other person who is within reach. However, this method has a bad effect, and when the other person is in front of you, people cannot say anything bold. Since humans are also emotional animals, frank clashes of opinion can sometimes lead to situations beyond discussion. If that risk is taken into account, it is not easy to make a bold statement.

communication bad effect
face-to-face cannot say anything bold
does not lead to trust

Of course, you shouldn’t say things that hurt people, nor should you use expressions that raise people’s emotions. However, if it is not possible to express candid opinions or innovative ideas, then the harm may be greater than the kindness. If you would like to make an opinion, you may seek the cooperation of a third party or delay the discussion period.

Face-to-face communication has another drawback. That is, face-to-face interaction does not lead to trust. When you face-to-face with someone, you don’t have a relationship of trust. Trust or credibility is collateral and track record, which are shared and connected. Face-to-face meetings are not always necessary for a trusted connection.

Now face-to-face contact is severely restricted. The future society will be a connection society rather than a face-to-face society. What should we prepare for that? Build up a lot of small trust. You will not be able to laugh and cheat your mistakes.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
