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It’s enough to have one

Therefore, those who provide the services only need to appeal the small difference between the old service and the new service.....

The desire for something has recently disappeared. When I was little, I wanted a radio and a bicycle. At that time, what I wanted was visible. However, when people get what they want, what they want changes. For example, a person who gets a radio will want a slightly different radio. That’s what it means to be familiar with radio.


The radio is a radio, so it’s enough to have one. Those who are not familiar with radio will feel that way, but those who are familiar with radio will consider each type of radio to be an independent device and will select radios.

As people become more familiar with things, they become more aware of the details. The same kind of tiny thing is a complicated and vast problem for those who are familiar with it. There is no end to the journey of recognizing those who are familiar with things. You’ll endlessly get into the world of things you’re interested in, and you’ll be curious about what you want and what you want will continue to emerge.

Even those who get some of what they wanted, what he wants will continue to be updated. He is not tired of what he gets. For him, what he has and what he wants is fundamentally different.

Therefore, those who provide the services only need to appeal the small difference between the old service and the new service. Consumers who continue to be informed will continue to use old services with a fresh feeling.

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
