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Animals that consume everything

However, the exchange value of money is volatile at present. Money as a stock means does not seem to be so reassuring to us.....

We are animals that consume everything. We consume time, things, money, food, love, etc., but we can only output the input amount. No matter what, it is not easy to be made from nothing. We can only wholesale what we buy. Isn’t it especially love? If you aren’t loved by anyone, you can’t love anyone.

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As animals that consume, we can rest assured that we have something in stock. As for food and clothes, that makes sense. If you stock the input, you will not have any problems when outputting. We have learned to stock. Sometimes it seems like you’re alive to stock everything.

However, fresh food cannot be stocked. What kind of food can be stocked? After all it is a grain. So I think that the earliest form of wealth formation was to stock grains. For details, read the specialized literature.

However, if cereals cannot be stocked, it seems that alternatives have been devised. Perhaps the alternative was money. If the exchange value is guaranteed, money is an excellent stock means without aging.

However, the exchange value of money is volatile at present. Money as a stock means does not seem to be so reassuring to us. So what should we stock now? Is it love? Can we stock affection?

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you


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