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When there is an excess of things

America has never embraced bidets. The toilet paper shortage could change that.....

We use it for something when there is an excess of things. When we had too much wood, our ancestors used it to make paper. Paper was not as strong a material as wood, but printing letters on it created demand.

America has never embraced bidets. The toilet paper shortage could change that.


We all know the fact that paper media has changed history. There is currently a shortage of paper that is such a material. It is said that the cause of this is a coronavirus infection.

What will happen to our lives if we run out of paper? Paper was not only a print medium, but an essential material in every corner of our lives. The paper was well supplied so we wouldn’t even notice it.

How often do you realize that you are lost? You can’t rush to increase production after it’s gone.

America has never embraced bidets. The toilet paper shortage could change that.
Why Americans have long been reluctant to adopt bidets, and why they shouldn’t be.
The best item I’ve ever bought for my home is a machine that shoots warm water at my bare butt.

What is a bidet?

Bidets have been common in France since the late 1600s, spread further into Western Europe during the 1700s, and eventually made their way to Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia.

That's all for today's post. Thank you
