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Yeah, no words needed

What happens if we eat foods that contain coronavirus? Will we get sick if we eat? .....

Drinking a lot of alcohol is not good for your health, but it is still effective to get drunk beyond the limit as a ceremony to keep the friendship in the group close. The reason is that drunk states can mislead people’s ethics and, at the same time, expose their true emotions. Those who have nothing in their hearts will not surface anything, even if they drink and get drunk. I mean, it’s that kind of person.

Why drink is the secret to humanity’s success

real feel

In the past, even I often drank overnight with bad friends. We too get drunk, look around, and sometimes fall. That night, a group of about 10 people was drinking. Half of the 10 were new to me. When my eyes were dark and stuck, someone’s hand touched my back and rubbed it. I didn’t know who rubbed my back. “Are you okay?” That voice was not the voice of someone I knew. Perhaps someone new to me was pointing at my back.

I still don’t know the man’s name, and I forgot his face, but my back still remembers only the feel of his hand. I’m going to help if there’s a hard person, even if it’s someone else. Instead of using words, I would like to use my hand to encourage those in need. Yeah, no words needed.

Even if a lot of information is gathered, it does not match one experience

Isn’t that experience a touch? Even if you look at a lot of detailed and long-term data, the final knowledge can only be gained by directly touching something with your bare hands. Touch of information? No. It is a real feel. This cannot be passed on as information.
In reality, it is unlikely that coronaviruses will be transmitted through food. Unlike bacteria, viruses cannot grow in food. Over time, for example, the amount of coronavirus on the surface of apples decreases. And even if you swallow this unwashed “infected” apple, the coronavirus will probably not be able to withstand the acid in your stomach.

How Are Emotional Effects of Alcohol Explained?
How Are Emotional Effects of Alcohol Explained?… Alcohol is a tricky substance. It may cause our body to release endorphins (making us feel relaxed and euphoric), …

At that time, I feel like I learned the world. In other words, the world is a gathering of strangers, but does it mean a space where others recognize each other? Even when an accident happens to another person, everyone feels the same when they are drunk and suffering. So someone, even a stranger, takes care of that drunk. You don’t just care for friends and acquaintances. Others help others as long as they have the same in spiciness.

I felt that such a relationship could be called public

What happens if we eat foods that contain coronavirus? Will we get sick if we eat? Probably does not get sick. The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) have stated that there is no clear evidence that COVID-19 was transmitted by eating food.

Experts said the food itself was fine. But what happens if you touch the face after touching the apple or bean can with the virus attached? Will we get sick? First, do not touch your face, especially when you are out.
How do I prevent virus transmission in grocery stores? Elderly people should use “Senior Shopping Hour”. Wear a mask if you have one. If you have latex gloves, wear them. If you do not have gloves, use a hand sanitizer. Wipe with a preservative before touching the cart. Keep at least 6 feet away from other shoppers while in the store. While you are in the store, do not touch objects as much as possible.

For example, a grocery employee who was not aware of being infected with COVID-19 coughed and splashed (containing virus particles) on many apples. These apples were put on the shelf and you bought it and did not wash the apple before you eat it.

A No-Stress Guide To Grocery Shopping During The Coronavirus Pandemic: LAist
A No-Stress Guide To Grocery Shopping During The Coronavirus Pandemic: LAist… OK, but what if I touch an apple, or a can of beans, that has the virus on it, and then I touch my face? Will I get sick? …

That's it for today's post. Thank you
