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Give you the causes of the facts and even future predictions

Researchers reported that detectable levels of infectious virus seemed to have remained outside the mask even on day 7 of the measurement.....

A newly published report studies the stability and amount of virus over time on various surfaces, such as tissue, wood, and cloth. According to the report, one week after the research began, a new coronavirus was found outside the face mask. Viruses on the surface of masks worn to prevent infection have not been previously investigated. Researchers reported that detectable levels of infectious virus seemed to have remained outside the mask even on day 7 of the measurement.

Coronavirus can stay on face masks for up to a week, study finds


A significant number of COVID-19 patients are either asymptomatic or pre-onset, and can transmit the virus to others. For this reason, the CDC recommends wearing masks when in public places, such as grocery stores, to prevent people from unknowingly infecting others.

To help stop coronavirus, everyone should be wearing face masks. The science is clear | Jeremy Howard | Opinion | The Guardian
To help stop coronavirus, everyone should be wearing face masks. The science is clear | Jeremy Howard | Opinion | The Guardian… In other words, Covid-19 moves like a silent assassin, with unwitting accomplices. …

How do you think about the trick of using objectively researched data subjectively? Basically, researchers should imagine what the compiled data is used for. And if the data is obviously likely to be inhumanely used, it might be an option to know when to disclose the data. Because as long as numbers or data explain something, it can even hurt you.

After doing something, it is reported so that what is done is shared. Include numbers in the report. In other words, let’s report the results numerically. The numbers are objective, regardless of the speculation or feelings of the parties involved. However, objectivity isn’t free, but it comes from research. So the reporter must also do the research work. If the report is not objective, you are equivalent to not doing anything.
Read the numbers. The numbers don’t explain anything, but if someone who can read them reads them, they explain the facts verbally and eloquently. In addition, the numbers will give you the causes of the facts and even future predictions.
But let’s not forget the problem of the objectivity of numbers. That is, because numbers are objective, they can be used as a persuasive material. Numerical data based on objectivity convinces. At that time, objective data is used subjectively by someone.

The coronavirus can stay on face masks for up to a week, research says - Business Insider
The coronavirus can stay on face masks for up to a week, research says - Business Insider… “Strikingly, a detectable level of infectious virus could still be present on the outer layer of a surgical mask on day 7,” the researchers wrote. …

Since the outbreak of coronavirus infection, researchers have been studying how long the virus can survive on various surfaces, from cardboard to stainless steel. The new coronavirus is primarily a respiratory disease and is thought to spread through droplets from coughs and sneezing in infected individuals. If you grab things with lots of virus particles and touch your face, you may be infected.

That's it for today's post. Thank you
