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Some people know that there is a way to lose a game

Those who win will lose allies. Conversely, the defeated person becomes a hero.....

Some people know that there is a way to lose a game. There are not many people who know how to lose because many people think that they have to win the game.

winnergameloserlosewinone of the passing pointscontinuelose alliesrevived as a herowinnergameloser

Don’t win the game. There is no need to lose further. So what should we do? Let’s continue. In other words, the game does not occur alone, but as one of the passing points in the problem. Don’t forget the basic recognition that problems will continue.

The reason to think so. Those who win will lose allies. Conversely, the defeated person becomes a hero. So, if the problems that created the game continue, those who lose and become heroes have a much better advantage than those who win and have fewer supporters. The loser is revived as a hero. Unless the winner returns his victory, he will not be able to resurrect. In long-term problems, lose at the point of passage.

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
