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Why is the giraffe’s neck so long

A veterinary expert who revealed that tigers at the Bronx Zoo had tested positive for coronavirus emphasized that coronavirus is still unknown.....

Why is the giraffe’s neck so long? Before discussing this, we must first admit that the giraffe’s neck is “long.” Because the adjectives “long” and “short” are relative terms, they are not defined by numbers. For example, if giraffe’s neck is 2 meters, how do you assert if the “2 meters” is long or short? Two meters may be short for one person and long for another.

Why the Giraffe has a Short Neck


According to mainstream theories, giraffes have evolved and their necks lengthened to make it easier to eat food at high altitudes. So, couldn’t the evolving giraffes have access to food in high places? Let’s clarify the problem. How did the short-necked giraffes survive?
The characteristic of the human species is that it has intelligence. When intelligence is a characteristic of humans, one must recognize not the question of why humans are intelligent, but the perspective of how humans came to be regarded as intelligent. In other words, isn’t the reason that humans are humans also a result of selection rather than evolution?

Why sauropods had long necks; and why giraffes have short necks… The necks of the sauropod dinosaurs reached 15 m in length: six times longer than that of the world record giraffe and five times longer than those of all other terrestrial animals. …

A veterinary expert who revealed that tigers at the Bronx Zoo had tested positive for coronavirus emphasized that coronavirus is still unknown. And while there is evidence that COVID-19 may have transmitted humans first in the animal market in Wuhan, China, more research is needed to understand the transmission of pets to their owners.
In the case of tigers, there is necessarily a social distance from humans. The virus may have been transmitted via respiratory droplets or animal feed, but the exact course of the infection is unknown. :Expert

This is an important case, as this is a natural infection, but experts said that tigers are different from domestic cats and I cannot emphasize it enough. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said in a statement Sunday that it was believed that the keeper had transmitted the virus to Nadia, a four-year-old Malayan tiger at the Bronx Zoo.
Tigers and lions in the zoo began to exhibit respiratory symptoms, and the tigers were tested after meeting the required standards for animal testing and obtaining approval from the animal and public health authorities.
Veterinary and virology experts noted that genetic tests showed that cat viruses were more than 99% consistent with human viruses: basically, they are the same virus

Organism species are broadly classified according to morphology

Each species has its own morphology. This may be due to the fact that those who were not suitable for breeding did not leave offspring, and only those who could breed have left offspring. If this hypothesis applies not only to animals and plants but also human species, I feel bad.

“This is an important case because it is a natural infection,” …
A tiger got COVID-19. What does that mean for pets and coronavirus?

That's it for today's post. Thank you
