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Faith that men are better than women?

If they are not taken into account, gender-free will be just one of the trends.....

What kind of view do you have when you look at the former Women’s Lib from the perspective of gender-free?


What is Women’s Lib?

Women’s liberation was a movement to actively promote and implement women’s empowerment and social advancement.
It is said that the center of the movement was young women with relatively high education.
As the background of the movement, it can be pointed out that the fact that women’s social advancement has been hindered and the situation at that time that the society at that time was changing drastically.
The move may have changed the mindset of society, but anyway, it has made it easier for women to work since then.

So what has historically kept women out of the workplace?

Faith that men are better than women?
I suspect that there may be other reasons why women continued to be treated unfairly.
Perhaps one of the reasons was the issue of efficiency in management activities.
This means that the duration of a project will increase in proportion to the difficulty of the project and will not be determined by the convenience of the workers.
Let’s assume that female employees play a major role in certain projects.
Is it really possible for women to continue to participate in the project when common events such as physical condition, childbirth and marriage occur?
The reality is that a temporary turnover will cause the project to pause and not resume until after the work has been handed over to another person.
Such inefficiencies are not left untouched, and management replenishes those who can continue to work for the long term to reduce the damage.
This isn’t gender-based employee selection, but rather an unavoidable measure to avoid risk, isn’t it?

Now, I think that the second reason for the history that women seem to have been treated unfairly was none other than gender.
In other words, it was placed for business reasons so that one of the service providers and one of the users would not be the same sex.
By convention, workplaces with many women are targeted at male users.
When the provision of services and various negotiations begin, if they are done by the same sex, troubles are likely to occur.
However, especially when troubles related to complaints occur, if both are of the opposite sex, the fact that they are of the opposite sex itself acts as a cushioning material.
Discussions between men and swearing between women instantly turn into an irreversible situation.
Management efficiently and unavoidably used female and male employees in order to delay the rapid deterioration of troubles and seek clues to compromise.
The method is also not based on the belief of male dominance.

Recently, not only women but also gender in general have been reviewed.
But if it were a movement supported solely by ideals, the life of the movement would be short.
Because, no matter how absurd the situation, there are realistic or rational reasons for it.
If they are not taken into account, gender-free will be just one of the trends.

Cañon City man seeks help locating woman, child he helped pull to safety from Arkansas River – Canon City Daily Record
Cañon City man seeks help locating woman, child he helped pull to safety from Arkansas River – Canon City Daily Record… Farrington and his girlfriend were walking on the bridge near Centennial Park at about 1 p.m. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
