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The idea that children and adults are different

So when do you confess such a secret? Is it today? now? ....

In general, I wonder if secrets are fraudulent. That is, someone may suffer some disadvantage when they cannot say what they have to say.


In general, what is a secret?

When certain information is not disclosed for some reason, it is called a secret. Of course, secrets will be revealed someday, so don’t expect complete secrets.
Adults believe that they can keep their own secrets. Because adults are witnessing every day that children tend to tell secrets.
In short, the idea is that children and adults are different, so adults have strict control over information. It’s a childish reasoning.
Children and adults are names based on relative quantitative differences in the body, and no one can distinguish them qualitatively, right? No one can draw a line between the two.
To put it more clearly, an adult is a big child and a child is a small adult.
If everyone thinks so, adults don’t have to worry about children, and children can play without hesitation.

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After all, even children tightly seal inappropriate information. The society of children is stricter than that of adults.
please remember. You too have hidden some secrets for a long time as well, haven’t you? You’ve repeatedly witnessed someone suffering from that secret, right?
So when do you confess such a secret? Is it today? now?

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Monthly child tax credit may arrive as states end $300 unemployment boost… But families can expect a cash infusion from a different source …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
