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No matter how good the service

By the way, I entered the store that day without checking the price of coffee, so I left the store and searched for another coffee shop with an old acquaintance.....

It’s kind of tiring to meet a person for the first time in a while and keep talking while standing, so I decided to go to a coffee shop somewhere.
When I entered the store looking for an empty seat, the person stood outside the store entrance and didn’t come inside.
Hey, why can you enter the store without checking the price of coffee?
I don’t check the price of a cup of coffee each time. Moreover, the store here is not a luxury hotel lounge.


At what stage is the price of the service determined?

In general, the price of a product or service is very important information for the consumer.
No matter how good the service is, if the price makes consumers hesitate, the service will not sell as expected.
So smart sellers spend a great deal of research and discussion time on pricing.
Rather, it even comes up with a service that calculates the amount of money consumers will spend from the current economic situation and is commensurate with the price calculated in this way.
Such a new service is very strange, but there will be an advertising strategy to counteract that strangeness.

What are the factors behind the booming vaccine market?

However, the benefits of a single service seem to be capped. Is there a service that breaks that limit?
is there. By linking multiple services, the profit is multiplied.
For example, vaccinations are publicly funded, so subjects only pay for transportation.
However, in reality, the vaccination business is redeemed by full tax. Haha, our taxes are spent on all costs associated with vaccination.
Isn’t it scary? A huge administrative budget is paid to vaccine-related companies under the slogan to protect our lives.
Is it normal for a single service to generate such a profit?
Without the spread of viral infections, the current vaccine market could not have grown.

By the way, I entered the store that day without checking the price of coffee, so I left the store and searched for another coffee shop with an old acquaintance.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
