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How much does it cost for 6 lunches?

Of course, only for 6 times.....

If you have a calculator, please calculate. How much does it cost for 6 lunches?


What is the smart way to buy content?

Now, can I buy a book for that amount?
If it’s a celebrity book or a famous literary work, you might buy it, but if you think calmly, it’s free to check the reviews of such books online.
You can get a general idea of ​​what the book is about by looking at the reviews, and often even get a lot of low ratings.
This phenomenon applies not only to books, but also to content in general, such as music CDs and video works. Consumers have become able to spend money smarter by absorbing information via the Internet.

What is R & D activity?

this book contains practical details

So is it stupid to buy books at regular prices?
When I was a student, when I was attending a lecture, the teacher introduced a book to the students.
It was a book that contained much more advanced content than the content of the lecture, so it was not something that the students had to own.
She said it’s better to keep good books handy than to look for them in the library. And
Many books are written only in theory, but this book contains practical details.
The teacher added this with a strangely serious look.
Certainly, classroom lectures are dominated only by logic or quibble. The person in the position of doing it may have reflected a little on that.

The illustrious achievements and findings of the engineering field

Well, one way to learn is to be fooled. I thought I should buy it.
The book was in the corner of the bookstore, but the price printed on the back cover was comparable to six lunches.
It was an engineering book and didn’t seem to contain anything that was directly useful to me. Isn’t it too stupid for me to throw away 6 lunches?
I was wondering if I should buy a book. But when I noticed, the book came to the room where I lived.
If I don’t read the book after throwing 6 lunches into the sewage, the water in the sewage will wash away my property. I started reading it.
And the content of the book did not showcase the illustrious achievements and findings of the engineering field. On the contrary, it turned out to be a record of a series of ridiculous failures and engineers fighting.
Researchers and engineers who know everything challenge the engineering field, make repeated mistakes, and suffer from not repeating them.
I was surprised. They make too many mistakes, run out of budget, change their persuasive means to regain their budget, and continue their research while lying.

And it was praised that the result of the research was produced by the accidental product, and that they achieved a certain result.
Fools gambling in a random world. This was the reality of genetic engineering.
Similarly, as a result of chance, I think the price of the book was worth the price of six lunches. Of course, only for 6 times.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
