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More attractive to the customers than the taste of the food

The fun didn’t happen twice.....

I can’t forget the fun. So I hope to experience it again. However, when such a wish happens to come true, it’s not fun for some reason.

not twice

What was the origin of business plans in general?

The reason a man I know wanted to run a restaurant was because he had a lot of fun going out to eat with his family at the restaurant when he was a kid.
As an adult rather than a child, he never had a rest, and dreamed that having a restaurant would bring back a good time.
Of course, we should not underestimate such a business plan. You can’t start a new business without having some kind of childish dream.
Even the most stuffy tasks, such as raising money for the time being, hiring employees, or borrowing land, are offset by childish dreams, right?

How to make delicious food?

The low price of the food

Anyway, he started a very fragile restaurant business based on his childhood dreams. Even in a small restaurant in the corner of a shabby shopping center.
He was confident. He pulled in his childhood memories and cooked delicious food. He believed that deliciousness was better than anything else.
The owner of the shop bought good ingredients, cooked them, and when they were finished, he put them in his mouth many times to check the taste. When he felt something was missing, he added seasonings, and when he felt something was wrong, he threw away the food he cooked.
And the food at that restaurant was very popular. The low price of the food was more attractive to the customers than the taste of the food.
The owner is particular about the taste of the food, but the customers are not particular about it. why?

In short, the food tasted bad

It was too spicy.
The owner used his own taste as an absolute criterion, but people’s taste changes. As he ate and checked the food every day, his mouth and tongue changed and his sense of spiciness diminished.
Despite the fact that it contained enough seasonings, he thought the dish was short of seasonings and added endlessly, and the dish lost its normal taste.
Nevertheless, the store was able to continue to operate because the prices of the products were low.
But as a business, the restaurant went bankrupt. The fun didn’t happen twice.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
