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Without waiting for the story to finish

Forget about us anymore ....

We are not fish, but we know how to swim. It’s a method taught by someone, not a method we found underwater. Those who couldn’t find a way to swim in the water couldn’t tell anyone the wrong way to swim.


What is the act of knowing?

I think things are generally not a single picture, but a story that changes over time. It is a story that is deeply related to phenomena, sights, words, and emotions.
We are supposed to join in the middle of a story when we are born and disappear in the middle without waiting for the story to finish.
So we want to know the whole story in just a short period of time. Ask questions, look up, look for records, make predictions.
Organize the disjointed information, connect related things, untangle things, and try to find a story.
Of course, there is more than one story. Many stories are going on at the same time.

What is social participation?

We choose a story that we can understand and act as its character. Compete, discuss, collaborate, cry, laugh and sleep.
The rugged effort should not be rejected. Because it’s like exploring how to swim in the water.
However, I recently realized that there may be subtitles that cannot be seen in all stories.
The characters in the story left a surprising message. What do you think it is?
In the context I finally found, I heard an inaudible voice whispering:
Forget about us anymore

Ex-Apple employee solves infuriating iPhone notification bug… by buying a Samsung | ZDNet
Ex-Apple employee solves infuriating iPhone notification bug… by buying a Samsung | ZDNet… The bug is easy to summarize …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
