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Nothing but commercialized nature

We often experience nature as a life-threatening weapon.....

There are other reasons why gems are expensive, not because they are beautiful and tough.


Where is high-octane gasoline excavated?

The cost of washing, sorting, polishing and tightly controlling the black rocks is reflected in the price.
The beauty and toughness of gemstones is by no means created by nature, and most of its history is a process created by humans.
This phenomenon also applies to crude oil refining.
High-octane gasoline does not occur naturally. Mined crude oil is distilled, processed, and reborn as easy-to-use gasoline after advanced procedures have been performed.

Is nature always beautiful?

We tend to think that nature is beautiful and pure, but the nature that impresses us is nothing but commercialized nature.
The natural nature is black and dirty, full of impurities, and it’s something no one can imagine that it will eventually come at a high price.
Of course, we have to admit that the sunrises and sunsets are beautiful. We cannot help but love the spring breeze and the coolness of autumn.
But those natural phenomena make us smile only if we can live a safe and peaceful life ourselves.
When some conditions worsen, natural phenomena are no longer on our side. We often experience nature as a life-threatening weapon.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
