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When prosperity ended, people pulled down the statue

If people at that time hated the statue and they were ashamed of themselves who worshiped the statue, they must have been able to start walking to a new tomorrow.....

There is a vacant lot beside the road that I always walk on, and broken cars and refrigerators are left unattended.
Among them was a body without a neck. The neck was lying a little further away.
Of course, it was not a human body, but a human-shaped statue.


What happens to a society that has become too rich?

The statue symbolizes a great man who was famous until about half a century ago.
The great man was said to have worked for the region and enriched the region.
However, after that, the over-rich area expanded overseas and failed, causing catastrophic damage.
Many young people died and people finally noticed. We were wrong.
No, we were all deceived. We were deceived by that great man.
The rough heart lost normal judgment, and the people tied a rope around the statue’s neck and pulled it with all their might.
Oh, the great leader fell on the ground. It happened often.

Should useless public property be discarded?

People gathered around the statue and rejoiced in prosperity, but when prosperity ended, people pulled down the statue. The statue did nothing, but the world changed a lot.
No matter how convenient it is, it will be discarded when it becomes useless. That’s not surprising, but does it apply to our spiritual pillars?
The wreckage of the statue I saw was decapitated. It may have broken by accident.
However, if the head was artificially amputated, it can be considered that the statue had value.
Because people hated the statue so much that they cut off their heads. If people at that time hated the statue and they were ashamed of themselves who worshiped the statue, they must have been able to start walking to a new tomorrow.

Statue Of Colonial Woman Who Scalped Natives Sparks Debate In New England Town : NPR
Statue Of Colonial Woman Who Scalped Natives Sparks Debate In New England Town : NPR… "That hatchet is supposedly the one that she actually used to, quote unquote, ‘scalp the warriors,’ " …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
