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States a rough course of action for the expected situation

In short, if you don’t want to experience any more confusion, listen to the expert statements at least once.....

It is generally believed that when we panic as a group, we are in a state of collective hysteria.


What’s the easiest way to calm the mess?

We are happy that we do not know what a collective uproar is like. But we are experiencing something similar.
For example, we wore masks that pressed our noses, and we were worried about the faces of others and began to check for the presence of masks. No doubt we are obsessed with something.
Also, someone said that we tend to obey orders when our judgment is diminished by extreme stress.
If the situation becomes confused and people don’t know what to do, the turmoil can be subdued by giving some command to lead them.
But to do that, the commander must shout the command louder than anyone else. Good grief!

What is a statement?

However, instead of commanding, a softer and gentler way to calm the confusion of the group is often adopted.
It’s a statement. The leader reveals his or her impressions or views and states a rough course of action for the expected situation. This does not command anything.
However, since the statement generally reveals a basic policy, it loosely encourages us to act in line with a certain policy.
You see, a statement from the authorities is almost always publicized before measures to prevent the spread of the infection are implemented. We tend to blame the inadequacy of measures, but we should decide on a basic attitude when the statement is published.
In short, if you don’t want to experience any more confusion, listen to the expert statements at least once.

Bodycam footage raises questions about deadly arrest of Black man in Louisiana | Reuters
Bodycam footage raises questions about deadly arrest of Black man in Louisiana | Reuters… “unauthorized release of evidence undermines the investigative process” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
