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Arise the questions that the significance of having a conversation is uncertain

“Where and what were you doing? You were terribly late to come here.” ....

Only a huge gas tank and a tall tower can be seen. Assuming those structures were humans, I was lost in the town of giants.


There was a convenience store open all night at the feet of the giants. When I came to buy fried bread there, I noticed that I was the only customer at the store.
There are two clerk. There were young men and women in the store. The young man is swapping miscellaneous items in front of the shelves. The other was a young woman, who just stood behind the checkout table.
At midnight, in stores with no customers, free-time employees usually chat. But they were working apart from each other.

Why is it bothersome to talk to people?

Is a person-to-person conversation the beginning of something? Or is it the end of something?
The reason these questions arise is that the significance of having a conversation is uncertain.
In fact, the conversation produces nothing. Promises or convictions come from activities other than conversation.
However, in order to be able to obtain certain things, conversation is necessary in preparation for that. Therefore, verbal conversations between people should not be considered a waste of time.
If the conversation is neglected, nothing will start and nothing will end.
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I felt a little pity about them

Because they have only one guest, they should have a good time chatting, right?
I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable if the employees were chatting. It’s painful for anyone to keep silent.
When I was paying a small amount, several customers came in. I was a little relieved. Because stores without customers are terribly lonely.
I left the store and stopped by the hangout. Three people were doing something. One asked me:
“Where and what were you doing? You were terribly late to come here.”

EU nations accuse Russia of using natural gas as 'blackmail' | AP News
EU nations accuse Russia of using natural gas as ‘blackmail’ | AP News… “is yet another attempt by Russia to use gas as an instrument of blackmail.” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
