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Remain after a victory an invoice for the spending spent for the victory and an estimate of the spending that will be spent for the next victory

The regional manager was also appointed due to a personnel change, and was transferred to another region a few months later.....

“Well, the human element is not convincing. The high traffic is not considered to be significantly correlated either.”


How to increase the total sales of multiple stores?

He is neither an economic analyst nor a fortune teller. He is just a regional manager.
His current concern is that competition among the few stores he is in charge of is not active.
The usual idea is that each store will compete with each other to increase sales in the region. Rather, their dissatisfaction will not be directed to regional managers while store managers are engrossed in competition.
In any case, the indicators of winning or losing the competition are the number of customers and gross profit. The purchasing power of customers is grasped as data, but it is not data that can be improved by stores.

What is the only value of victory?

What is the victory for?
This proposition is by no means a foolish question. Because the benefits of victory often deceive us.
We strive and want to win in situations where constant competition works. But what remains after we win?
All that remains after a victory is an invoice for the spending spent for the victory and an estimate of the spending that will be spent for the next victory.
However, I would like to point out that there is a certain reason for victory. In other words, victory ends the game.
An exhaustive battle without a winner cannot be stopped by those who participate in it. So only a declaration of victory can end a stupid game.
So if anyone can win, he should win as soon as possible, right?
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“I can’t find a good way to say it, but the relatively influential factor is the town. The state of the town. This is strongly related to sales.”
The regional manager is aware of the situation of the entire region. So his point seems reasonable.
In any case, he didn’t blame the unmotivated manager.
However, personnel changes are frequent. The regional manager was also appointed due to a personnel change, and was transferred to another region a few months later.

Ukrainian fighters hold on as Putin claims victory in Mariupol | Reuters
Ukrainian fighters hold on as Putin claims victory in Mariupol | Reuters… The United States, however, disputed Putin’s claim and said it believed Ukrainian forces still held ground in the city. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
