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Desire and establish a certain service

The best route sometimes crosses the park grounds.....

“I’ve been warned. I tried to process multiple orders one weekend night and both didn’t arrive at the promised time. Haha.”


He speaks vigorously

with gestures. His hands are tanned and black.
He grabs the handlebar of his bicycle with his tanned hands and pedals with his feet. Three smartphones are attached to the steering wheel.
A huge black bag can be seen on his back. Yes, he delivers cooked food as a gig worker.
Nowadays, it is not easy to enter a restaurant, so everyone says that food delivery services are popular. And gig workers engaged in home delivery flood the streets.

What kind of service is needed?

For example, suppose someone wants something. Something is desired and a certain service is established.
There are many reasons why people want something. Service providers research what their customers want and always get disparate findings.
The reasons for things are different, but the result is one. If this is well understood, all business plans will not make a big mistake.
The problem is when the desire for something changes. In other words, what you want and what you need is fundamentally different.
The reasons why something is needed are not disjointed. It will be combined into one. However, the results are disjointed.
So when we need something, our hopes are often unfulfilled.
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“I don’t want to go far! Because in order to process as many orders as possible, the destinations should be as close as possible.”
He seems to be able to estimate the distance to that point just by looking at the street or town name. It can be said that it is a skill gained through experience.
From 7am to 10pm, he has the delivery app turned on on his three smartphones. However, it seems that orders are often not displayed for a long time.
By the way, the ordering app is connected to the online map and displays the best route to your destination.
The best route sometimes crosses the park grounds.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
