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Become active in their work

No matter how boring the workplace, as long as this establishment pays the income tax in a lump sum, no one will criticize it.....

“Okay? When you guys fall asleep, oops, I’ve never fallen asleep at work, but when you do, put one hand on your keyboard or mouse.”


The woman, who is highly regarded by her boss

gives great advice to her juniors. As long as you put your hand on the mouse, even if you are dozing, it is not a complete doze.
But, for example, every Wednesday around 2 pm she sits at her desk with her one hand on the keyboard, but her upper half is tilted about 30 degrees to the left.
The moment her upper body tilts to 31 degrees, she will probably fall from her chair onto her floor.
As long as the thrilling sight is watched, her juniors will not fall asleep.

Why can a boring workplace survive?

Where is the source of our personality? This is a challenge for our rights.
Many believe that the reason our human rights are protected is because we have an irreplaceable personality.
But we have never found the source of our individuality, and we do not remember protecting and nurturing it.
In short, our human rights were not created by ourselves, but only by someone else or something.
In a sense, a lot of seats were pre-installed and a strange musical chairs game started. I think that was the process of expanding our rights.
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Highly valued by her boss, she has some authority. Specifically, it is the task of supervising the work of juniors.
But everyone with certain authority learns to skip work. And first of all, they themselves don’t work hard.
She has no passion for her work. In the first place, her boss also doesn’t seem to be willing to work.
Can juniors who follow such seniors become active in their work?
In fact, this workplace has long given up on making money. So why is such a workplace alive?
The key to solving this mystery is very simple. No matter how boring the workplace, as long as this establishment pays the income tax in a lump sum, no one will criticize it.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
