The reason I didn’t want to eat plums was because I wasn’t sure if the little fruit was really plums.
The many blue fruits scattered on the soil would soon turn yellow and pink. But when the blue, small fruits rolled to the ground, they were still blue.
Why did so many blue fruits fall to the ground in early summer of this year? Maybe it’s because the pests couldn’t eat the fruit buds because I sprayed the pesticide in the spring.
Tired of collecting the blue fruits and putting them in a garbage bag. They were to be scrapped.
- Why are groups of people disjointed?
- Homogeneity or integrity in a group of people is still a mystery.
Despite the fact that uniform and consistent is the first condition of the collective form, that condition is still questionable.
Because we often realize how random a group or organization is.
Let’s make a concession and assume that the members of the group are mutually beneficial. But how can even that process be proven?
Alright, let’s get help from rough reasoning. Yes, the population of people is uneven and disjointed. You can understand this, right?
So can non-uniform and disjointed people form a group? Of course you can’t.
- This morning
- I found a stain under a garbage bag full of fruits. Some fruits were beginning to rot.
Moreover, there was an unpleasant smell from the stains on the concrete. It should be the raw material for jam, but it takes a lot of work to make it into jam.
The fruits were discarded without becoming delicious fruits or sweet jams. It was abandoned beside the farm road while it was raining.
Gigantic Hong Kong floating restaurant sinks in South China Sea… “very saddened by this accident,” …
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you