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Modify the process to produce a favorable result

Because everyone wants to know what he is doing.....

The man wears a baseball cap even indoors. There are three displays on his desk.

Everyone who tries to see his face can only see the black wall on the back of the display.
Occasionally he emerges from the wall of the display, but a baseball cap brilliantly hides his expression.
When he gives instructions to someone, he speaks out. The voice is surprisingly loud and resonates well.
I can imagine that he was a cheerful man. However, he is busy with various things and does not feel good.

Missile strikes rattle Kyiv as world leaders meet - CBS News
Missile strikes rattle Kyiv as world leaders meet - CBS News… Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said the missiles hit at least two residential buildings, …

Is progress management difficult?
Managing progress is relatively easy when the process and results are directly linked.
Because if the process and the result are almost the same, the process can be modified to produce a favorable result.
On the other hand, if the process and the result are indirectly related, the favorable result will not be easily obtained. Whether something that connects the process and the result is inevitable or accidental is a small matter.
And if that something demands a certain amount of time, we must be familiar with what it is. If that isn’t possible, you shouldn’t be involved in the process.

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In a company with a difficult business environment
a rosy and enjoyable future is not promised. He is busy with various things and does not feel good.
However, I think the walls built by the display should be removed. Because everyone wants to know what he is doing.

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
