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Be subsumed by larger concepts

The tablet terminal she held out to me was her treasured personal item.....

I don’t know how to say it, so let me put it in a relatively general way. Hmmm, without hesitation: she’s chubby

She grew up in a wealthy family, so she speaks freely. I think that’s a good quality in its own right, but the way she speaks lacks a certain consideration.
In short, she feels nothing when she hurts someone. I think it’s because she can’t objectify herself.
What if someone said something bad to me? Anyone in their late twenties ask themselves this question on a daily basis, right?

What is Quantitative Grasping of Concepts?
Accepting that concepts are destined to be interpreted qualitatively, let us consider the scale of concepts.
It is not a matter of quantifying the concept but of placing it in a continuous structure.
Needless to say, all concepts are subsumed by larger concepts, and also contain smaller concepts.

But I got the feeling she couldn’t do it. I had previously suspected she wouldn’t dare to do it, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
I wondered why she couldn’t be considerate of others. Is it because she’s never had a bad experience? Or was it because she went through too many painful experiences?
But after that, the mystery I had disappeared as a mystery.

How to make better use of concepts?
Therefore, when we use a concept, we must know at what level the concept is positioned.
Selected concepts will work more vigorously if higher-level structures and lower-level elements are grasped together.

“Would you like to use my tablet?”
One day, when I was having trouble with my smartphone, she suddenly said that to me.
Even though she must have sensed that I was keeping her away, she suddenly tried to help me.
She may have been the type to not worry about small things, but even now I don’t know. The tablet terminal she held out to me was her treasured personal item.

do you respect others?

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Opinion | China’s covid explosion shows why we need a genomic early warning radar - The Washington Post… That second decision was to expand the traveler-based genomic surveillance program, …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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