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Show off their relative ferocity

The eyes of the crows staring at me were dark gray, not black.....

I don’t know the name of a small bird with yellow-green wings and a beak smaller than its face.

I didn’t know until the other day that that kind of bird sleeps every night on the branches of the osmanthus tree.
The other night, I had some errands to do, and when I shook the branches of an osmanthus tree, several of the birds let out a high-pitched cry and flew away hastily.

Why do we know nothing about the general picture of things?
Concrete images are relatively easy to perceive, thanks to the diligence we pursue every day.
On the other hand, we know nothing about the general picture of things. That’s because the general picture of things transcends our ability to perceive.

On the other hand, as you know, crows’ beaks are bigger than their heads. The thick base of the beaks of crows shows off their relative ferocity.
Crows have large wings compared to their body size. Its size is comparable to that of an eagle.
However, compared to eagles and black kites, crows are active at a lower altitude.

Can we ourselves become universal beings?
If each of us needed a general view of things, we would surely fail.
To succeed in it, we ourselves must be universal. Of course that is impossible.

And from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail, the crows are all black. Such an appearance is one of the reasons why crows are disliked.
However, the other day, I had the opportunity to slowly look into the eyes of a crow. The eyes of the crows staring at me were dark gray, not black.

do you like crows?

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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