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Approach the table and touched the paper bag

“This is my supper.” ....

“I feel a bit uncomfortable compared to yesterday. With the table set up like this, I feel like I’m about to bump into it.”

That’s right, because this table that was clinging to the wall is placed on the aisle.
I already know there is no good reason for this. Someone must have had a change of heart and suddenly dragged the table.

What attitude do we take when we encounter the unknown?
When faced with the unknown, there are only two attitudes we can take. One is to agree The other is against it.
But that attitude presupposes that we understand the situation. What do we do to understand?
It is to secure a time slot in which neither agree nor disagree. In that time period we must understand the unknown.

“I bought this, but I didn’t eat it. Anyone want to eat this?”
Inside the paper bag is a hot dog and French fries. I don’t know why he didn’t eat them. Anyway, he put the paper bag on the table.
No one reaches for the paper bag. After all, leftovers from lunch always get cold and taste bad.

How to postpone a decision?
And as a means of doing so, we can pretend to agree with the situation. Of course, you can pretend to disagree.

“It’s still warm because it’s been in my bag the whole time.”
Really? A woman in the back of the room approached the table and touched the paper bag with her hand. She looked inside the paper bag and looked faintly happy.
“This is my supper.”

Tonga volcanic eruption reshaped Pacific seafloor - BBC News
Tonga volcanic eruption reshaped Pacific seafloor - BBC News… “You can think of it as ‘a shotgun blast’ straight up into the sky,” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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