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Want to talk macroscopically

“What are you doing here? I don’t understand.” ....

“Yesterday, I received an instruction, but I didn’t quite understand what it meant. What do you mean by not having to send the notification message that the procedure is completed?”

“We want to regulate transactions to reduce server load. Completion of procedures is caught on another channel, so the person in charge does not have to report it.”
“Don’t you know that procedural inadequacies or additional work often occur within approximately 48 hours of completing a procedure? Minor procedures tend to occur immediately after completion.”
“So what?”

What is the structure of reasoning?
All logic is thought to be consistent and rational, but that is only a macroscopic view.
Microscopically, logic is a series of small leaps. There is no consistency or rationality in it.
However, reasoning to advance logic consists of prediction and deception. Because they are so small, they are regarded as prima facie logical.

“So the person in charge should report it as soon as it’s done and keep an accurate history. You don’t know, but we’ve been doing it here all along.”
“Okay? Let me repeat what I just said. We don’t want to flood our servers with irrelevant messages.”
“So, if there was an amendment, such as a name correction or an order addition, would you go through decades of files to figure out who was responsible?”
“Maybe so, but I want to talk macroscopically.”
“It’s a practical matter. If you look for the most recent message, you’ll quickly find the transaction number and the person in charge, right?”

What causes the logical bankruptcy?
If you find a logical failure, let’s assume that the cause was not a logical flaw, but that the logical leap was too large.
Or maybe no one was fooled.

“Anyway, I don’t do that kind of work. Ask someone else.”
“What are you doing here? I don’t understand.”

Tanzanian Precision Air plane crashes into Lake Victoria - BBC News
Tanzanian Precision Air plane crashes into Lake Victoria - BBC News… The plane crashed near the shore at the end of the Bukoba airport runway. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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